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Female Orchid Classification System

Labia Contribution

One of the most difficult descriptions for orchids is what morphological structures contribute to the labia minora. To understand the variations in labia, firstly, the standard labial form needs to be articulated which is designated as the labial archetype. This is similar in principle to the glans archetype previously described.

The most common contribution to the labia is from 1) the glans stems transitioning into the labial lingual (on the inside), and 2) the sheath transitioning into the labial buccal (on the outside) as shown below.

In the labial archetype, the glans stems can be seen to transition into the larger labia when viewed from the lingual side. Alternately, the sheath transitions into the labia as viewed from the buccal side. The transition point from glans stems to labia lingual can generally be located, but the sheath to labial buccal is generally seamless, with no visible delineating points.

In the labial archetype, the primary labial contribution is from the glans stems (lingual) and sheath (buccal).

01 Glans-Sheath02 Sheath Labia03 Both









Beyond the labial archetype, there are two additional variations (sub-types) for primary labia contribution: labia contribution hood and labia contribution ridgeforms. These variations contribute to the labia buccal side. It is assumed in these cases, the glans stems are the labia lingual contributor.

02 Hood03 Hood01 Hood01 Ridgform02 Ridgeform03 Ridgeform














Note: The variation labia contribution ridgeform is generally as a result of bifurcated sheaths as illustrated in the last 3 examples above.

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