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Female Orchid Classification System

There are three general varieties (types) of sheath 1) tubular 2) conical and 3) bifurcated. For any variety, a judgment can be made as to its extent (short, medium, long). Again, without empirical measurement, this is generally limited to what appears to be observably short or long, with the majority being medium. As well, all varieties can have a characteristic between the range of flat to vectored. Examples below.

01 Tubular02 Tubular01 Conical02 Conical01 Bifurcated02 Bifurcated
















The width description of the sheath is handled by the English language. For instance, example one above could be described as narrow and example two as wide. Use your imagination.

There are observable differences in the sheath extent in all varieties of sheaths including bifurcations as shown below.

01 Short02 Medium03 Long









The sheath vector is the angle at which the sheath (and underlying clitoris) project beyond vertical as shown in the second and third examples below.

01 Low Vector01 Vector02 Vector









In the vector examples above, because there are no empirical measurements as to the degree of sheath vectoring, it is sufficient to describe the sheath generally as low, medium or highly vectored (subjective). The last two vector examples above would be judged as highly vectored.

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